Tuesday, January 5, 2010

out with the old .... in with new habits.

Wannabe visited and Ear, eyes, nose and throat doctor today and the general consensus is that she needs to loose her tonsils. We are looking at times and dates and all though spring break would suck for her, it would keep her from missing a lot of extra school.

She and I also did some grocery shopping, yes I know never do this when you are hungry. I don't think I did too badly as I found salmon fillets for only $3.00 each. I almost bought some smoked, but I restrained myself. We also found bags of chicken for around $5.00 and etc. This was a new store for me, but I was impressed at the gourmet selections. I know I will never find the Cadbury flake I fell in love with at a tea house in Seattle, but one can always look!

I have also become a coffee drinker. Totally new for me, but since we found the lil' bitty coffee maker I have made my own as opposed to starbucks/fourbucks or Moxie and the likes.

So, now I need to decide on tonights dinner er... just done for me a spinach and feta pizza it will be. I am excited to try the various indian and tai dishes I bought.Wanna be decided she will only eat fish and vegetables, so we are working on rounding out our diets. I can say I am not missing the beef or pork much although I did buy chorizo as it is always a happy family dinner.

So, Wannabe will loose her tonsils and we have gained a broader diet (I hope so anyway!) And I am sticking to my oaths and am remaining true to me and my feelings. I'll know by tomorrow if I have overstepped myself, but that's another story for another time....maybe.

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